Monday, October 16, 2006

What kids eat in Paris (yumm!)

I find that always interesting to compare different habits depending on the country where you are. Specially when it comes to food ;-)

Here in France, kids go to school from about 8.30am to about 4.30pm (really long days! huh). They can stay at school for lunch if they want or they can go back at home to have lunch (which is a great break, at least for younger kids!)

the photo was found here

When I see the week's menu for lunch at school, I kinda feel ashame, I never cook so many different things for my kids in a week!
But I find that really great. And it's said now food at school even tastes ok.

To give you an idea, here's the menu they get for this week at school.

Sardines with tomato sauce (Sardine à la tomate)
Veal saute (Sauté de porc)
potatoes with onions and herbs (Pommes boulangères)
Cheese (Samos)

Salad (Salade verte)
Bolognese spaguetti with parmesan cheese (Spaghetti bolognaise et Parmesan)
Grapes (Raisin)
Neapolitan ice (Tranche Napolitaine)

Gratted carrots (Carottes râpées)
Cordon bleu
Garden peas (Petits pois)
Small cream cheese (Petits suisses)

Corn and emmental cheese salad (Salade de maïs emmenthal)
Turkey saute (Sauté de dinde)
Green beans (Haricots verts)
Saint Paulin cheese (Saint Paulin)
Apple doughnuts (Beignet aux pommes)

Endives with mimosa eggs (Endives et oeufs mimosa)
Pollack fillet (Filet de lieu)
Ratatouille with rice (Ratatouille et riz)
Fromage blanc
Dry fruits (Fruits secs)

Not that bad, huh?!!!
And this week is also the "week of Taste" in French school.
In Lola's school, each classroom has a main colour and kids must bring food of this colour. then they will all taste the food. Lucky them! The colour of Lola's classroom is brown (she'll brink meat balls cooked with cinnamon)

Lucky kids!

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