Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bloggers & journalists

2 different species?

Well... yes, I think so, don't you?
(I'm not talking of personnal blogs here, which have nothing to do with "journalism")

Yet, when you read the Wikipedia's definition of a "journalist" ("A journalist is a person who practices journalism, the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues and people"), it is very close to what many bloggers are.

So what's the difference?
I believe some bloggers are as competent as journalists.
What about objectivity. Is there this kind of ethic with bloggers? I'm not sure.
(well well, I know journalists are sometimes way less objective than expected)

Why do I talk of that today? Just because I'm surprised to see so many bloggers invited in "serious" tv or radio shows to share their views, just like historians, journalists, etc.

Wait, I find that kewl that suddenly there is a kind of "democracy" in these shows. The internet is also represented! yeah, cool.

But there's a lil something disturbing. I can't put the finger on it yet... Maybe it's like being a blogger/blog writer is now enough by itself to get credibility.


Well, if anyone wants to interview me about shoes, I'm ready!
Wait, I can talk about wines and rum too
hmmmm, I think you can trust me too when it comes to masonry and carpentry!

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