Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I've been *facebooked* !

Well I don't know many people around me who are member of this (not so) new supa kewl thingie: Facebook...

Do YOU know it? Have you already registered? (if so you MUST tell me!)

I was very reluctant with all of it at the beginning. Gawd, just another internet thingie, I've enough to do with my blogs and the rest!

But who can resist the call of the kutlu miss Etolane?! I registered and discovered my lil sister was there two. Then I found Benoit was part of it, and even my other half! lol the internet world is small, huh!

What is Facebook about?
I can't tell really and that's why I'm really facinated by it! lol

You connect with your friends, find people you had lost contact with, etc... and it's very interactive, so many toys to play with (I've been caught my the "endless movie quizz" and just can't stop)

I haven't had the time to do about anything on it, but it's fun and the best is that you really learn a lot about your friends, via the tests they answer, etc.

So, why not trying it, huh? I need to get more friends on my friends wall you see ;-)
It's also pretty great for those who don't have any blog (yuss, you, you and you there!), another way to be *connected* !


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