Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Here's my plan (niark niark niark)

You know how much Wednesdays can be hmm busy (as in "exhausting", "threatening", "energy sucking") for us mamas.

It's the Devils' Day,
the day where there's a break from school here in France.

So far, I've been a Wednesdays' slave, and now I say STOP. Enough is enough is enough.

Is enough, huh.

I'm taking back my freedom : I send Loup to his creche another morning, on Wednesdays!


And having a free Wednesday morning to take care of Lola is just great!
I'll have some time for her, some time to work -and paint my nails-, time to take Lola to her dance classes, etc. And no doubt Loup will enjoy his morning (he has no choice anyway! )

(above is the picture of the devils who prefer to remain anonymous. Very wise of them huh)

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