Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Allo Candy? C'est Robert!

That's the first thing I heard on the phone the other day!

Here are the details:

Robert: "Hi there, is it Candy?"

I: "hmm??? well somehow yes"

Robert: "Maybe you don't know me, I'm Robert Plant"

I: "Hmmm, from ermm work? Compuserve maybe?"

Robert: "Ermm, no from Led Zeppelin"

I: "Oh yeah, sure! Hi Robert"

Robert: "Hi Candy, I read your blog about everyday, even though I don't dare participating... and I've seen you've been stressed with the kids lately!?"

I: "hmm, hehe, well yeah just like a busy mama"

Robert: "Oh I wanted to tell you I know so much how it is! Not easy everyday, huh... But you're a great mama, I can see that from what you write (LOL). And if you want any advice then just give me a call, I'd love it!"

I: "Ok, Bob, I'll do that, that's so nice of you! Take good care! huggles"

VoilĂ , I just woke up after this Robert Plant's call the other day and I really started my day with a delicious laugh! Loved it!

While you're here, happy new year my friends, I'm back with + 2kg but the holidays were so fantastic that I wouldn't mind taking 2 more kilos to start again.

I'm still on a diet though.
A usual woman's life: being on a diet.
So unfair

Okies, I'd better run... I'll let you know when I get news from Robert! :P

PS: I like Led Zeppelin, but I'm not a HUGE fan, huh. That was somehow the weird part!

PPS: I hope you've noticed I'm getting beder and beder with photoshop and my graphic tablet! I'm sure you can hardly see the mike that Robert was holding on the pic! (proud smile) hehe

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