Wednesday, May 07, 2008

4 minutes... to have a nap

4 minutes, that is not much... but very precious in a mama's day ;-)

It's so warm (still 26°C) that I feel like a lizard on a burning stone!
If there was more wind, even a few clouds, maybe a light rain for a couple of hours...!

(thinking hard)

(slapping own face)
Easy! I'm packing the luggage, tomorrow morning we'll be in Brittany (errmm, yes, again, always, for ever and ever) :P
We're going to leave at 5.00 am to arrive just for breakfast, and after I'll have to rush to the hobbit house to finish a parquet (my turn to work on it tomorrow). Pfff...
Then on Friday... we have a boat to pick up somewhere at the other side of the planet, or so...(faint)

I think I need 4 other minutes (of nap, huh)

Meanwhile, I let Madonna save the world (I really enjoy her album, just very Madonna-esque... and...(pssssssshit)... I'll secretly take it for the trip... before Martin hides it, that is!!! hehe)

Oh and that Portishead' Third album, a jewel. The first time I listened to it, I just fell in love with it! ***highly recommended*** :)

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