Friday, May 23, 2008

cute, adorable, etc... but so STUBBORN !

That's Loup, and I know there is this time around 2 years old when they are literally building their own universe, limits, possibilities, liberties, territories, etc.

I'm there to help him, puts the limits when required, encourage him to get independent, etc.

But you wouldn't imagine what this angel's face is capable of!
Loup has just been roaring, crying, screaming, trying to break stuff, to scratch and bite us for 45 LONG minutes. And THIS happens several times a day!

You could think that after 45 minutes (including 30 minutes in his bedroom with shut door), he would be exhausted and would just "surrender". Oh nenene, it does not happen this way with my lil devil.

He will just refuse to accept he was wrong there, will get a stone face for more minutes and will refuse to speak to any of us. Alleluia!

Talking of stubborn, Loup is not far from that:

...but Loup is a bit more, let's say... "intense" in his attitude :P

Anyone wanna join for baby-sitting? :P

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