Friday, June 20, 2008

Christopher Columbus and popping pectorals

My diet does not work really. And I think I'm just eating normally which is fine :P
But I can see a lil tiny difference since I've started with........ my Pilates exercices. I do them usually 3 times a week, and -oh MIRACLE- I can see improvements!

I'm being a Christopher Columbus of my own body, discovering new body lands: lil muscles I did not know! (like on the chest, just above the boobs I have popping muscles when I work! lol that's really funny!)

It's not the toutouyoutou gymnastics (aerobics), no, it's much calmer...!

(this is a collector, I know some will love it! hehe)

Calmer, but not easier! Pilates's not easy, unlike what it seems!

But then... I have a great coach, and for free! The best thing is that she keeps telling me I'm making a goooood job, so satisfying!
I call her mrs Faith Flexible.
Faith because I trust her! Flexible because, well, you will quickly understand :P

Really that's the only sport I can stand. Biking, swimming (if not for fun), running, nooooo I'm not patient enough and too lazy too.

But Pilates, yeah that's made for me!
Ever tried it? Are you into any sport by the way???

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