Sunday, May 03, 2009

A week in 15 words or so

It's been a great week.

Received our taxes forms to fill, taxes, electricity & gas bills to pay.

It's been a good week!

-with a three days weekend, huh

-with a Lola stopping having nightmares. Lola went to swimming pool 3 weeks ago with school. She's been selected in the group of the "good ones", despite the fact she does not know yet how to swim.
Well, she's got a very bad experience. Was sent into water and just went downwards without being able to do anything! You don't have instinct in water when you're a kid, oh not at all. She spent like a few long seconds under the water before she was rescued. Since then, she's scared :( Terrified!

Martin took Lola yesterday to the same swimming pool, so that she can get used to it again in a comfortable way. She loved it.
Had no nightmare, first time in 3 weeks! :)

-with the very Bretonish Jerome visiting us! He, Remi Gaillard and I spent a great moment! Oh he comes back tomorrow for a short visit! yeepeeee!

-with a family lunch at my grand-ma's, a great moment with her and my sister's lil family. One of my favourite family ritual :)

-with a first experience earlier today at *body combat* ... nothing violent in it, just very physical, ya need a pretty good heart to not collapse! ;-)

And it's been a great week because about a hundred other reasons. I am very lucky.

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