Wednesday, July 22, 2009


after some sleepless nights ;-), the blog's working again! Pheww!
I've changed of web hoster and that was less simple than expected.

Loup has got fever back since a couple of days, so I guess is angina is not gone (sigh)
The weather has been very bretonish (shitty in a wet way) but hey, the sun's back today, I mean right now :P

I've just worked for a local order yesterday night (plain watercolour painting of boats) and I managed to finish it, that's kewl.

I have a *political* project (well in it some kind of political view will be expressed) in mind right now, won't use painting though, more collage. It's exciting, I'm gathering ideas right now, hope I can make something of the boiling ideas I get :)

But before taking care of that, I finish my cup of tea and rush to the hobbit house for masonry work, always hard to start with masonry but satisfying at the end!

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