Sunday, August 21, 2005

"I'd luv to see your pic!" ... "Only if u send me yours first!"

The other day I was surfing on my big fat mamas' specialized website, and someone posted a message like "let's tell how we met the papa of our baby"

I was curious. I thought, well, let's see if there's another one who met the man of her life via internet... hehe
There were zillions of answers (about 40)... and I fell from my chair when I saw 90% of the goils there had met their man on the internet!!!!

90% !!!!
The last 10% said they met their man in a club, at university or at a village's ball (lol, all that sounded like from another century, somehow...)

I met Martin back in 1998, we were ol' friends from chat (Penny's been following all that from the beginning! She was there too! Yeahhhh!!!)

Anyway, at the time, telling you've met someone on the Internet sounded really like worse than a "meeting club". LOL
So desperate that you even needed the devil "computer" to meet someone.

Of course, it's not the case. But the reputation of it was bad enough so that some of my relatives still don't know how I really met Martin!

And now I discover a website where women are going to be mamas and most of them telling they've met their man via the supaweb.
You just can't say the internet is less serious than anything when it comes to relations. We wale-ish goils are all a proof of it!


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