Sunday, August 21, 2005

Looking into the mirror

I've just got a new questionary!... thank you (ermm, I guess ;-) miss lulu! :))

Okies, I will translate in my Frawnch-English way the basic rules of it (because, there are rules! Just answering questions is way too easy :P)

If you wanna answer this questionary on your blog, don't forget to remind these rules at the beginning:
1) Make a link to the person who sent you this questionary, to keep the thread alive, aliiiive :)
2) Ask yourself 5 to 10 questions, questions that you will chose yourself
3) It's forbidden to copy a question already used in the questionary of the person who sent it to you. Be creative (good luck :P)
4) Create a new rule that will have to be followed by all the new participants! Be very creative! (re-good luck!)
5) Ask at least 3 other blog writers to answer this questionary (trembling in your boots already, hm?)

1.What does really make you grmmphhhing?
-intolerance, specially from religious extremist and from people basically against religions
-waste of food vs starvation
-to earn somehow just enough to be refused finiancila helps, but not enough to not need them //oO\-people never smiling, the ones who do not have, you know, the smile wrinkles!!!
-that it's always women (often old ones) who give me their seat in public transport
-lack of time
-the price of shoes and make-up
-someone making terrible noise while eating (lol)

2.If you had a personnal chief at home, what menu would you ask him?
(I already have one!**~~*^* hehe)
The menu of my dreams (for today at least :P) would be...
Starter: (raw) Spain mussels and Bretagne's oysters
2nd starter (I don't have a cook everyday at home!): squid cooked in its ink
Main dish: a real paella
Cheese: smeely ones
Dessert: profiteroles, flan and melon (LOL! no comment!)
I will drink expensive champ' only, from the starter to the dessert (except with the cheese, I'd *need* red wine)

3.You've 50 euros in the pocket, that you MUST spend in the most frivolous way (hehe).. What do you buy? (you've to answer with a picture)

The only boots I can get for 49.90€ :-)

4.You'd be president, how would you spend the money of your generous citizens?
1) Health and Education
2) Social care, providing a "roof" to everybody
3) Make the income tax more simple. Like 10% of what you earn and no more weird calculation
4) Support to small biz and Environment
5) Free parking in Paris!

5.Which cinema hero would you have enjoyed interprating?
Ripley in Alien I guess (but not in Alien#3, shaving my head, you're kidding or what!)
Ripley in Alien #4 more specially...!
Or Jaws' shark (G)

6.What talent would you have liked to have?
Drawing like Juan Gimenez, writing like Stephen King, and composing music like Pink Floyd or Air.

7.Would you really sell your soul for anything?
To save the life of my beloved ones, yes. Of course. We would all do this.

8.Do you know your limits? Like how you would react in some extreme situations? (like you're on the Titanic, 4 people left including you, only one person can leave)
I've often wondered how courageous I'd be in extreme situations. And I have no idea, it's frightening. I hope I'd behave like the people I admire... but I guess you never can tell except when you confront such a situation.
About the titanic, I'm pregnant, I would leave and kick the bastards who try to stop me!!!! :P

9.What are the qualities you prefer with your friends?
(take notes please. kidding! hehe. You already have these qualities!)
-sense of humour
-mutual and unconditionnal support
-enjoying as much talking of soap operas (ermm) as death penalty
-share of advice without judgement
-just being *here* whatever happens

Okies, that's done! (bowing as graciously as a wale-ish one can do)

Before pointing my finger towards the *chosen ones* (be afraid, be very afraid)...

...Here's my new rule (as you have to create one each time you do this questionary):
I have to modify rule #3! That's my new rule: you can ask yourself any kind of questions you wanna, If they've already been asked and you wanna answer them, do as you want!!!:))

But I reckon it's been fun to create questions for oneself! Thank you again, miss lulu!

Now I pass the questionary to...
Penny,Martin, and Jenny

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