Thursday, April 27, 2006

Boys don't cry

...and girls do not gossip maybe?

I hate when I hear someone telling that to a kid!


I take Loup to the doc tomorrow morning...for an injection and (trembling in my boots) for a decalottage. I haven't found any translation in English.
It has nothing, almost nothing to do with circumcision.
Except that it's done to avoid infections

The act itself consists in helping the foreskin to go backwards. Helpful against infections, no doubt, and to avoid pain during the first intimate relationship later.

Nature can make the work itself, but the doc can help the nature that does not prove to be always very efficient in this matter.

In France, the *decalottage* is not the fashion at the moment. People scream about unecessary torture (it seems it's a bit painful for the baby), other know that infections a couple of years later can be really really more painful.

I find it really kewl that we have the courage to do it for Loup actually.

I trust my doc, and Martin and I know we want that for Loup... yet, I won't be happy happy on my way to the doc!
An hour before going there, we have a lil cream to put on the skin that will act as local anaesthesia... and it's been 2 days Martin and I try this cream on our own skin to check it works... ermm, so far no chance!

Wish me, no, wish Loup -and me- luck for tomorrow :)

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