Thursday, January 02, 2003

We spent the most intimate (yuss yuss) and happy New Year's eve!
*Just* Martin, Lola and I !!!

We did not want to let Lola to anyone (well and nobody was rilly available) and we did not want to take her at friends.
But.... Lola's comfort is only an excuse 'cause we actually wanted to spend it that way! hehe **~~^* * * *^^* *

It was fantabizooby... Lola having twice more milk than usual (I had to drink 2 big bottles of water during the day!), and once she went to bed, the flat was only illuminated with candles (lol, yup me Candles.. hehe, kiddin) and xmas lights. We had the most yummy treasures for dinner, champ and magic muzic.
Was there a beDer way to start the year???

I loved it!

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