Tuesday, November 04, 2003

I could call it my own Call of the Wild...
It's getting very intense since a few days, and this Wild I'm talking about is desire for maternity. I'm feeling like an empty nest, ya know? hehe... that will only mean something to some mamas probably ;-)

It's never been like this before, my body feels like ready to welcome a new treasure.

What a unique feeling! What's strange though is that my body might be ready, but I am not! So I will wait a bit, a few months maximum, till my inner and outter selves come to a kind of agreement (G).

This mama feeling is even being a powerful source of energy. Must be the hormones or something.

No, I dunno really how to explain, it must be very female-ish, but it's here and I can almost feel it pulsing in my veins.

I did not *know* really if I'd rilly want to be a mama another time. Now I get my answer, i'm surprising myself :-)

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