Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Some time for books, yes, but definatly no time for cinema, and hardly for DVDs.


Whenever I can I watch anything that I've missed on the big screen in the past 2 years, well I do it with huge pleasure (the fact Lola is almost 2 years might explain something here :P)

And so, after all of ewwws zillions of lucky ones, I've finally watched Kill Bill... number one, hey! Count a couple of years before I watch the other one :P

All has been said about the movie.
I think everybody who went to watch it REALLY enjoyed it.

You don't go and watch a Kill Bill when you hope to discover a (thinking hard) wim wenders or james cameron type of movie anyway.

It's really a Tarantino's piece of art. I enjoyed it probably as much as Reservoir Dogs, maybe more. Oulala!
It's just that... ok you start to watch Kill Bill, waiting for action scenes + spicy sense of humour touches. And you simply get 20 times more than what you had imagined.

Magic! Magic! Magic!

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