Monday, February 07, 2005

Divided on dvds

Since we have no time to watch tv at all, we watch zillions of dvds, most of them being dvds for kids (t'is ok, I enjoy cartoons!)

And apart from the movie or cartoon quality, there is one thing that keeps my attention -and maybe yours-: the "navigation", the "menu" of the dvd.

On a few dvd, you can chose to start the movie after 30 seconds, on most of the others they force you (more or less, rather more!) to watch all the trailers before you can reach the menu. That makes me maaaad.
That and the way the menus are made. Most often the time they're terribly *artistic-fun-unique*. Same as with websites often beauDiful and all (in Flash for instance :P), but not practical at all. The kind of website you visit once, and once only!

That was the least interesting post of the week, I swear it (lol)! But I just had to spit it out, see?

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