Sunday, May 13, 2007

And they did not win!

I've just missed the best show of the year (the Eurovision song contest, naturally!)... pffffff

And what do I discover? they were there and they did not win!

Too bad they made the funniest head-banging I'd seen in ages!!!... Actually I think the horrible show around (helllooooo we were not at the Olympic games here!) did not fit at all, spoiled their music!
But nice "no t-shirt" + "long hair" touch! That only will make my day!

As for the Frawnch, in case you missed it, a *lovely* eurovision song (and they did not win either!)

Ok, now let's make a hit of it, take your mike and sing!

"I remember jolie demoiselle, the last summer, nous, la tour Eiffel
I remember comme tu étais belle, so beautiful with your sac Chanel
Sur les ponts de la Seine, let's do it again, again, again, again,
You gave me a rendez-vous, what is it ? what is it ?

Je le chercher à toi, dans les rues, je ne suis pas venir car tu ne l'es plus
Je le regarde partout, where are you ? My heart is bleeding, Oh I miss you
L'amour à la française, let's do it again, again, again, again,
You gave me a rendez-vous

Et je cours, je cours, je cours, I've lost l'amour, l'amour, l'amour
Je suis perdu, here without you, and I'm crazy, seul à Paris
Je tu le manque, sans toi I can't, et sous la pluie, I feel sorry
Champs Elysées, alone, la nuit, le Moulin Rouge, I feel guilty"

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