Monday, June 30, 2008

The collector

I will answer Samantdi's request today = to participate to the chain thingie and answer this:
"tell us what do you collect or have collected in the past"

So here we go!

I've always had admiration for people patient enough to create their collection of whatever. I'm much more a *keeper* than a collector. I'm not a *hunter* looking for what I do not have.

Yet if I could collect one thing, that would be tattoos. Not like body covered (eeeeck), but definitely more of them. A great kind of collection, a bit expensive but easy to store and at least you're sure to keep it forever and ever! :P

Well, I reckon I actually collect one thing: kitsh postcards. That's a lil game Esox and I started a couple of years ago (I've foten talked of that here). The one who sends the most kitsh postcard wins (and I have an ally on my side now, Jérôme! haha!)
Anyway, it's more for the game than the collection itself!

But yeah, like many of us, I'm much more a *keeper*.
I just can't get rid of a letter or postcard, I keep them all. And as you get less and less of them, they're getting even more precious.

I also keep my concerts' tickets, concerts are so intense, each ticket brings me back in a different place, with an atmosphere and the heart beating faster or slower. Faster usually :P

Same for cinema tickets (for a movie I really loved). It's like this lil piece of paper could keep forever all the emotions I got, all the pleasure.

Well, thinking of it, I'm also a diet collector, but nene that does not count, no pleasure there!

And a few words in French, because Samantdi asked me and no way I'll resist her :)

Or donc... olala bloguer en Français c'est comme manger du couscous avec des baguettes pour moi, ça le fait pas du tout!

Donc je ne suis pas une collectionneuse, je suis une keepeuse (désolée mais je vois pas de chouette traduc, là)
Je garde précieusement mes tickets de concert surtout, chacun d'eux sont des trésors de plaisir et de souvenirs.
Pareil pour les billets de cinoche, enfin quand le film m'a vraiment plu. Impossible de les jeter, c'est comme si je mettais des émotions très fortes à la poub. Ha non!

Je collectionne quand même 2 trucs, j'avoue
1) les cartes postales kitsch, mais c'est plus un jeu qu'un besoin de collectionner
2) et les régimes bien sûr, ha oui je les collectionne, mais bizarrement ils n'ont pas pris beaucoup de valeur! grrmppphhh

Who's a collector around? Stamps, perfumes, ermmm dildos maybe (I bet some do! lol), anything?

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