Tuesday, April 16, 2002

I just need a grog, a warm bed and a few couples of hours to sleep (s)
And I have 2 good excuses for that, my cold and the lack of activity at work!

People here talk all the time about the fact Gwéno and I are fired, they've been really shocked by that. Certainly because they're sad for our situation but probably more because now they know it might happen to any of them whenever.
They all see the activity getting slower and slower and logically they ask themselves many questions about the future of the company. I have answers about it that I don't want to share, it's not my role anyway.

Most of them have worked here their whole life (for 25, 30 years!), I guess how much they stress about a change.
This general stress I feel around makes me feel more peaceful about my own situation... (It is terrible to find one's peace in others'stress, isn't it!)

There are times when I project myself in a near future and I get pretty nervous. You can't always avoid stress and nervosity.
And then there are days like today when I only care for the present moment **~* ^* ***^* *

If only I had not that cold!!!
Each time I cough, I feel sowwwy to disturb the bambino who's comfortably sleeping in me!....(s)
I knew I had to stress a little in a way or the other :P

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