Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I'm sometimes frightened to see how politically correct our society has turned to be, how much people shout words like "morals" and "virtue" to get rid of any basic form of freedom.
Really.. we're in 2004 and you could expect that we've learnt and started to be more tolerant, but I think our grand-papas and grand-mamas were more open than we are now!

When you see that m'zelle Jackson is forced to apologize because her breast felt free for a min....!!!!! ... and when you see that superbowl's sponsors threaten to stop if that happens again....!!!!

Oh we have no probbie agreeing wiff fookin death penalty, no probbie making war and no probbie letting kids starving overthere, but seeing a Jackson's breast on tv IS the most dramatic event of the day!

Let's show our breasts, goils!
We must let nobody hide and be ashamed of what we are!

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