Thursday, February 26, 2004

Why blogging? I often hear that question at the moment...
And my point hasn't changed really about it.

Some finds it very self-centered, talking about oneself all the time.

I use my blawg in a very personnal way, and you can tell self-centered way, yes absobloodilutely.

When I'm blogging, I sit down and relax and take some distance with all what's happening around me. I find this time I spend blogging really precioussssssssss.
I run almost all the time, except when I'm blogging. Phewwww

Then, beside this zen effect it has on me, it's a good way to share with close friends what's happening.
I clearly remember why I started blogging. It was to replace the tons of emails we (friends) shared. It turned complicate to answer this or that, etc etc. And suddenly the blog solution appeared like THE tool we needed.

And finally, even if I don't fancy (at all) getting more and more visitors (new ones are always welcome with a good pint though!), I luuuuve talking about hot topics or very *light* ones, ones that will provoke reactions and discussions.

Isn't blawglife beauDiful? ;-) **~~*^* *^^* *^^* *

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