Wednesday, April 28, 2004

(adding lil suns on my mental diary)... We'll be off to Bretagne for 4 days in May, around the 21st!
Thank Gawd, Martin can take his friday off!
(happy sigh)

Then while we were into the wooopppyyygroooovysunnnyyy *mood*, we decided to organise our summer holidays.
What a luxuary, hm?! well, yes and no. Living in a smaaaall flat is not so funny in summer time. Even less funny when a shrimpette is around. So we're almost *forced* to take holidays, you see.

If all is fine with Martin's work, we'll have a bit more than 2 weeks, from the 23th of July to the 9th of August.
Where? lol, in *crepes land* naturally!
If you can't stand family holidays, you would hate ours! hehe... The family house will be full and Martin's parents will also rent a holiday house just near :-))))
Dunno but I feel... there's one shrimpette who gonna be terribly spoiled for 2 weeks! (and a couple of young parents terribly free :P ...ermmm free to work on their hobbits' house, that is!)

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