Saturday, May 29, 2004

Martin and I are big fans of cartoons (that's from a cartoon I took my handle after all :P).
For me the top of the top is cartoon + rock opera... cartoon parts in The Walls, Yellow submarine, etc.

It is funny how much we try to transmit (unconsciouslly I think) our catoon *culture* to Lola.
Among lots of them, there is one cartoon Lola luuuuves. The Barbapapas, with a clear prefence for Barbabelle...hehe

Anyway, yesterday Lola and Martin were re-re-re-re-watching Barbapapa, when I heard Martin laughing while telling: "OMG, come and see that, there's something weird here!"

I came and saw a well, barbazoo transformed in a milk bottle! But nenene, Martin saw something completly different... like a Barbadick! LOL
It lasts less than a second, I captured it.
And I let you judge!

(men's mind's perv!!!)

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