Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Noces de coquelicots :-)

Yesterday we've celebrated our Poppy wedding! It's been now 8 years that besides being a woman, lover, friend, etc, I'm the happiest wife too!
That's kewl, they say the 7th year is the hardest one in a couple's life.
We made it! :P

8 years ago, at this time of the year, it was snowing here! Today we had again rain and warm temperatures (oh but wait, I'm talking about the weather here! ooops...-------> running to wash my mouff! :P)

We've celebrated the *poppies* pretty quietly, with Lola making a (delicious) galette for us,

.. with Loup giving us extra cuddles, Martin bringing a queen flower for me (tall, proud, reddish, -don't ask me what flower it was-), and I opening a bottle of champ' :)

But now that I know we've celebrated our Poppy Wedding, I would just sell my soul (oh yess yess!) to jump and dance among poppies. Oh yes, I would love that!

photo from Ian Britton, found here

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