Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Lil devils' ambition tour

Really no one can tell that we put pressure on our angels.
When we think about their future, we just hope they can do something they really like. As long as there's passion in their life, they'll be motivated, and I'm pretty sure it will be fine.

Anyway, the other day, without me asking anything, Lola came and said: when I'm old like you (huhu), I know what I want to do: I want to be a cleaner (which is in her mind very close to Princess I believe)
hehe well, as long as she practices a LOT at home, I don't mind :P

As for Loup, it's more (sorry guys) typical!
me: Loup, soon you will start with school, right?
Loup No mama, I can't.
me: huh? why that?
Loup (slightly irritated, since it seems so obvious to him): because I will stay in bed!

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